Aamir Hafiz

About Me
Name: | Aamir Hafiz |
D.O.B: | 11th October |
Class: | V th |
School’s Name: | New Holy Home School |
Place: | Bhopal, Madhya Paradesh |
First Time Started Singing At The Age Of: | Two and a half |
First Time Stage Appearance: | I started early on stage at the age of three years |
Who Inspired You? | My father and chachaji inspired and encouraged me |
Support Of Parents: | Yes, their support is the blessing in disguise for me |
Support From School: | I have got good support from my school |
Who In Particular? | ……………….. |
In Studies, Good / Average / Poor? | I am good in my studies |
Entry In Little Champs, Tough Or Easy? | It was tough for me but a happy one to be selected for the Little Champs |
Everyday Practice (In Hours): | Not so particular about how many hours I practice daily |
Guru’s Name: | Ustad Hafiz Ayub |
Learning What Kind Of Music? | Light Music |
Where & How You Learnt About Little Champs? | ZEE TV & News paper |
What Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Has Given You? | It has provided me a stage to become famous in playback singing |
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Aamir i want to sponsor your father's trip to bombay please email me any info where you can be reached or you can be contacted by phone or you can email me back at
hi Aamir i am Ahmad seyar from Afghnistan i like your sound you are very great and your style is aloso good thank you t e bye
when you resive my masseg so pleas give my name in stage thank u Ahmad seyar
i well be whit for that see u
Hi Aamir hope your'e well. I'm Nazish from the uk but you can call me bhaji. I think you have an amazing voice and i like your style. Keep up the good work and i pray to Allah that you go all the way. I would love it if you could contact me back on e-mail nazraheel07@hotmail.co.uk
Hello Amir, My name is Shiva Maharaj of New York USA, first of all, I would like to say on behalf of all your fans in the U.S we watch you every Friday and Saturday evening at 7pm (eastern time) when the program airs on ZeeTV here. Amir.. you have been blessed with the gift of song..for a kid your age, you outperform most seasoned singers. We send our to love you, and wish you continued success in all your endeavors, remember to never give up your dreams, and learn from any loses and emerge stronger. The will of god is unknown, but your voice has traveled to far reaches of the world, and you have the support of many well wishers worldwide, not just here. Keep up the great work, nothing good comes easy in life, but by God's grace, and hard work you will fulfill your destiny.
You are in our prayers, God bless you and your family. Your Proud fans, The Maharaj Family.
Assalam o alaikum amir , my name is Isha and i am from Canada .
I watch sa re ga ma pa just cuz u perform there. I think u have an excellent voice and i sincerely hope and pray that u win
u r a winner already but u need to OWN this victory
Allah hafiz
asalamualikum amir hafeez we love you and dont leave sare gama pa
and i watch it for u only plz dont go
hello amir how r u my name is nile and my age is 10 ok i am from london and i like to say that i watched sare gama pa only for u
take ma email id lion_the_king_saad@hotmail.com
hello amir hafiz my name is rose and i am from london and u r a top singer may god bless u a top singer in saregamapa
Do not worry about what ppl say, be it even Sonu Nigam. The world is an ocean of politics beta, you will see as you grow. In stead know that you are a great singer and what happened with you means that you should always struggle for fairness. Good luck in your life.
I live in France and I'm also afan of Saregama.I know that Amir is agood singer but he got eliminated,it is not the fault of the judges, it was a public voting.It is wrong to blame Sonu Nigam ji for it.When Amir joined the show he was always forgetting the words,why? because each time the judges warned him and save him.There was an episode when Sonu Ji asked the public to vote for him the the parents of Amir said tht the judges love Amir now that he is eliminated noone is happy.His parents insulted eveyone on the show.Do you think this is the way to thank those people because of whom you came top four.THey must thank the judges and ZEE for the popularity they have today.But instead they are blaming everyone.Its a competition they must have accepted it as a competition but instead they insulted all the people of the show and Zee.It's not done
Hi my name is Nabeela . i am from New York. I just want to say that the judges were totally not fair towards amir. Specially sonu nigam was unfair to him a lot.There is no doubt that amir is far more better singer than rohanpreet and tanmay. And sonu nigam has be always very mean to amir while giving comments. i think rohanpreet does not have any extraordinary voice. He is just the boy next door. I was shocked to see the tremendous change in sonu nigam's attitude towards amir. During the elimination episode he told rohanpreet "my voice is not well so i cant sing and tell you ur errors, but you were very good." Honestly rohanpreet was not at all good. He broke the sur several times and dont have any voice quality. And when it was amir singing sonu suddenly regained his voice and sang and showed his errors. Everyone including sonu knew that amir is a poor boy and could not effort to learn classical training. But yesterday he said "Amir you were suppose to do well in classical ". while Tanmay who has been taking classical trainning since soo many years he said "Tanmay even though you do not have training you did well". Thats pathetic, rediculous and disgusting. My third point is about the voting system on saregamapa. The other kid's parents are well enough to spend a lot of money buying cell phone, computers etc to vote for their children. Where as amir got only genuine votes cause he couldnt efford those things. There should be a system of accepting only one vote per cell so that we could know the real genuine winner. Here it is all about money which amir did not had. Sony nigams is rediculous and unfair.
Some people are going on a rant about how unfair are the judges were. One should understand that it's people who are voting, anyway who are we to challenge the likes of Sonu Nigam,or even the one of the "father" of classical music present on the day. Some are saying that Amir is poor and got genuine votes and or that he can't afford to buy many cell phones. Well, on the elimination round day everyone has heard Amir's brother saying his Minister is making people to vote in their area. When you look at the number of votes that the participant recieved, one need to do the maths and see how many votes the parents will have to make by themselves to rig such a massive number of votes. Plus in the past people have been voting for Amir even though he under performed because he is poor. This have rig the votes and in the past there has been an occasion where a better singer on the day was evicted because people votes for Amir because he is poor. Is this fair you decide!!!!
hi amir..im aaska 17 years old from united states...plz i want to help u...n i really love ur voice..i felt so bad when u were eleminated..but i wanted u to win..so is dere any way anyone can help me to get his fone no or any email...plz someone help me to give his fone no..and contact me at ma email add. aaskapatel90@yahoo.com
hi amir..im aaska 17 years old from united states...plz i want to help u...n i really love ur voice..i felt so bad when u were eleminated..but i wanted u to win..so is dere any way anyone can help me to get his fone no or any email...plz someone help me to give his fone no..and contact me at ma email add. aaskapatel90@yahoo.com
i dont see why u people dont understand that amir was taken out completely based on technicalities....his singing was total fish since so many episodes.....suresh ji and sonu ji are such excellent pro judges....just cos amir is of ur community dont support him.....if u really cared ...then make amir win by votes...make the people u love win by votes...not by cribbing after losing....shame on u people.....!!!!......atle ast Amir had the sense to ask everyone to back off and shut up.....
this game is about the best voice coming to the lime light....if amirs brother was so bothered about him winning then he shud have done something when his brother started singing bad....no sit and complain after he lost ......he shud have raised any issues while the judges asked everyone to postpone the elimination or atleast after coming back from his village........NOT WAIT TILL HIS BROTHER LOSES..... ITS LIKE IF HE WINS I WILL KEEP QUIET AND IF HE LOSES I WILL USE THIS ISSUE AS A PAWN. shame shame shame on such human beings.
[no sympathy from me for anyone poor...sorry yaar....this is a platform for pure talent....if u start giving poor people chance all the beggers in this world will be singers.]
Even ustad amjad ali khan was shocked and angry at such behaviour.and amirs brother was rude to him too!!!
shame shame shame!
It was absolutely disgraceful to watch Aamir's dad and brother behave this way. The little kid and his family has got so much love and money from Indians in India and abroad because of the show. In the end the only thing he could do was bring religion into all this. I was shocked when I heard all that. He also made references to singers from Pakistan and how they were eliminated and how he supported them. It is because of people like him that there is hatred amongst people of different religion and why this world in not a better place. Instead of thanking Zee for such an awesome platform and everything that has been done for his family he abuses the channel and the country as a whole. It was very shameful. I hope people like him see the light. By the way I do love Aamir's singing.
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